military detention bill veto

military detention bill veto
President Obama Signs Indefinite Detention Bill Into Law | American.
Dec 2, 2011. White House reiterates threat to veto defense bill. The language in question gives the U.S. military the right to determine whether it should hold al Qaeda. It also reaffirmed the policy of indefinite detention without trial. Sen.
Dec 15, 2011. Tell the president to listen to the American people and veto any bill that contains indefinite detention. If the president fails to veto the bill, ask .
Dec 14, 2011. White House Backs Away from Defense Bill Veto Threat. Share. The last time Congress passed indefinite detention legislation was during the .
Dec 4, 2011. Letting the military take over terrorist detentions may make the U.S. weaker. isn' t bluffing about his threat to veto the defense authorization bill if its. Force against the Taliban and al-Qaida into the military detention system .
Dec 15, 2011. Obama abandons veto on security bill that will give U.S. military. the right to trial and subject them to the possibility of years of detention.
White House Backs Away from Defense Bill Veto Threat | American.
Omana breaks promise -will not veto Indefinite Detention w/o Charge.
micromanagement" of national security, the White House Friday stood by its threat to veto a defense bill over controversial military detention .
Nov 17, 2011. They formally threatened a veto of the defense authorization bill, the. counterterrorism professionals, including our military commanders, .
Obama Threatens Veto of NDAA 2013: Too Many Restrictions on His.
military detention bill veto
NDAA 2013 still allows for military detention within the US — RT USA.WH OKs military detention of terrorism suspects - CBS News.
Dec 14, 2011. Omana breaks promise -will not veto Indefinite Detention w/o Charge. With this NDAA bill we will add a jurisdictional conflict between the military and the. Will Obama keep his promise to veto a Defense appropriations bill .
Dec 14, 2011. President Barack Obama does not plan to veto a defense bill. be read to authorize the indefinite military detention of Americans accused of .
Dec 14, 2011. UPDATE: Obama has dropped his threat to veto the bill and is now. RELATED: The Indefinite Detention Bill DOES Apply to American Citizens .
Senate votes to limit military detention - Senators shrug off Obama.
'Indefinite Detention' Bill Heads To Obama's Desk As White. - 12160.
Dec 14, 2011. With the veto threat dropped, the $662 billion defense bill is likely to. The White House said mandatory military detention would have tied the .
Nov 30, 2012. Senate votes to limit military detention - Senators shrug off Obama NDAA veto threat - SASC approves Dunford to lead Afghanistan war - Syria .
May 29, 2013. The House is poised to pass the bill on Wednesday, despite controversial provisions requiring military detention for some terrorism suspects.
Nov 17, 2011. The White House on Thursday threatened to veto the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act because a series of the bill's provisions would mandate military . The language on detention, which has divided Democrats on .
Dec 15, 2011. Congress just passed the National Defense Authorization Act in a 283-to-136 vote. 190 Republicans and 93 Democrats voted for; .
Obama abandons veto on security bill that will turn US military into.